All-Saints Vespers 2019
A service of remembrance and celebration featuring
W. A. Mozart
Presented by
Covenant Choir and Orchestra
November 3, 5:00 pm
(the Prelude will begin at 4:45 pm)
A special service of music and meditation to remember loved ones and celebrate life. The traditional reading of the names will highlight the service.
The featured music will be the Covenant Choir, Soloists and Orchestra presentation of the Requiem by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. There is significant mystery surrounding the history of the Mozart Requiem. There have been many who have questioned the origins of this work and how much of it Mozart composed but Beethoven may have offered the final word on the Requiem: “If Mozart did not write the music, then the man who wrote it was a Mozart.”
In our own time, Mozart’s Requiem has attained the status of a cultural icon, artistically because of its exploration and expression of the full range of human emotion. The work has been chosen for this vespers service because it celebrates life with majesty, it is a work of high drama, boldness and variety, seriousness and joy. We offer our presentation of this work in memory of those whose lives will be celebrated during the 2019 All-Saints Vespers Service.
If you have a loved one (or loved ones) to honor, please fill out the form enclosed with the Sunday Order of Service and return it to the church office. Any donations towards the presentation of this musical work are greatly appreciated and may be made by check made payable to the Neighborhood Church and turned into the office along with the form.