frequently asked questions 

A quick look at some frequently asked questions. Still have questions or need more information? Contact us! 


What is the Neighborhood Church's religious affiliation? Are you non-denominational?

We are a United Church of Christ (UCC) Congregation, and have been since 1961. The UCC is a distinct and diverse community of Christians that come together as one church to join faith and action.  With over 5,000 churches and nearly one million members across the United States, the UCC serves God in the co-creation of a just and sustainable world.  The UCC is a church of firsts, a church of extravagant welcome, and a church where "…they may all be one" (John 17:21). 

Do you allow professional photography on your grounds? 

Professional photography (any photo sessions involving clients and a photographer), including engagement and family portraits, are allowed on a limited basis only with a prior appointment and written permission from the office. There is a Facilities Use Fee associated with photo sessions on the grounds and photographers must provide a Certificate of Insurance. Contact the office to request a session. 

Absolutely no wedding day photography is allowed on the grounds, with the exception of couples being married at The Neighborhood Church during their allotted time frame. This includes bridal portraits, bridal party photos, and any photography in which the couple is in Wedding Day attire. Anyone on the property in violation of these policies will be asked to leave immediately. 

What about Prom photos? 

No Prom photos are permitted on the property. 

Do you host services (weddings, baptisms, memorial services) for people who are not members of The Neighborhood Church? 

Absolutely. As one of the first Churches on the Peninsula, we have a history of serving families in the South Bay and beyond for over 70 years. Inquire with the office for more information. 

Your grounds are beautiful! Can I come visit and walk around? 

The outdoor grounds are open to visitors during Office Hours when there is not a Memorial or large Church event and on Sundays after services. Saturdays are reserved for Weddings and only Wedding parties and their guests may be on site. 

While the grounds are open to visitors, we ask that individuals be respectful of the spiritual and peaceful nature of our setting. No picnics or large gatherings are permitted.

Can I rent your facilities for a special event, like a birthday or community theater? 

For a number of reasons, social events and activities on our grounds are limited to Church sponsored events only. We do not rent space for parties or other private events.