
What is Membership? What does it mean? 


What is Membership?

It is formalizing and saying "Yes" to the gift of relationship-- a relationship in and with a particular portion of Christ's body we affectionately know as The Neighborhood Church. 

To be a member is to actively participate in the life of worship, community and service. It also includes supporting our ministries with joyful and generous financial gifts. Participating members may serve on the governing bodies of the Church as well as its ministry teams, and they are eligible to vote at all congregational meetings.

Membership is a faithful commitment but is not required to be a part of The Neighborhood Church family. 


How do I join the Neighborhood Church? 

Becoming a member at the Neighborhood Church means taking the next step in your relationship with God and coming more fully into our Church community. We welcome new members into our congregation approximately four times per year. 

If you are considering taking the next step towards membership, we invite you to learn more about our church and denomination by attending a "Discover Neighborhood Church" gathering. This meeting focuses on the history of the Neighborhood Church and our affiliation with the United Church of Christ. We'll discuss our approach to Christianity, our mission, and the various social and educational activities available for adults and children. This meeting is usually held two weeks before new members are received into our community. Attending the gathering is not a commitment to join the church. You can check our Upcoming Events page for more information on the latest Discover Neighborhood Church gathering.