Christmas time is here! Not at all in a way we expected but also not going to stop us from enjoying this time of year. Christmas for me and my family means cold days, warm food, holiday treats, family and friends, Christmas lights, hot chocolate, presents, gift giving, some scripture verses, talking about the story of Jesus, games, more food and more treats. Since we have been going to the Neighborhood Church it's been about so much more. We have participated in the Pageant every year. This has become such an important and cherished tradition for my whole family. Even our extended family has been going every year to appreciate and support this truly unique experience. I've enjoyed having my whole family be a part of such an amazing event and culture. My kids favorite memories are all about being in the Pageant. I can't think of a better way to not only have them learn about Jesus and what the true lesson of Christmas is. They are immersed into a time in history and we all get to do it together. We love being able to share with the community. Christmas time now means so much more, from beautiful flowers, reminiscent Christmas songs, Saints Service, Advent Workshop, Christmas Programs, the Pageant, to other fun activities and services during December.
My goal in coming to church is to provide my children and family with a strong moral foundation and to plant seeds for their spiritual growth. Christmas at the church has encouraged and nurtured that relationship. I can't wait for traditions to continue and for new ones to be created because of these times. I'm still excited for this time of year and for the continued memories to be made. We miss the church dearly and all of our fellow members. We wish you all a beautiful and Merry Christmas!
Raquel Cunningham
The Cunningham Family