Change is Coming

Dear Family and Friends of The Neighborhood Church,

I was reminded this week of Mark Twain, who was known to have said: “The only person who likes change is a baby with a wet diaper.”  I can attest that, for some babies, even that kind of change is not welcome! Their screams of protest and/or pain are evidence of that fact. Why, this week, did this catch my eye? Because it reminds me a bit of what we’re experiencing at The Neighborhood Church in these months of transition.  The “C” word: “change”.

We all realize, of course, that all things change, or they eventually die. Our skin cells, for example, are constantly changing—dying, sluffing off, and new ones growing in their place. In times of transition, things do not always stay the same or even tidy. Change can be messy (back to a baby’s diaper?), and it may seem to some around here to be the case—it may be that way for a while. We’ll try new things, explore some different paths, and ponder our choices at a few proverbial forks in the road along the way. 
Being human, there may be times when this is uncomfortable, and some may even get discouraged or fussy about it. Such is the nature of change, and our response to it.

I bring up all of this only to let you know that I am very encouraged, hopeful, and positive about what is transpiring around TNC. Though I can’t say that this is my experience in every congregational setting in which I have served in the past 40 years or so, it seems that something good and powerful is afoot here these days. As some of you have mentioned to me—and I have experienced this sense too—that the Spirit of God is on the move in this place! There’s an energy and an enthusiasm as we come together that makes me very excited to see just what comes next. I hope you find it compelling as well, and that it does not send you scurrying off.

Allow me to tell you my top four reasons for my optimism and excitement:

  1. Above all, I know that our God is in charge, even of change. And that God’s providence will suffice. Need I say more?

  2. The Council has appointed a very gifted and talented Transition Team to work closely with me in the months ahead. Their insight, analysis, Spirit-attentiveness, and passion for this place will bring about good things.

  3. So many of you have expressed your deep and abiding love for TNC, and have such deep hopes for our future! I believe this can be contagious…keep it up.

  4. We will be soliciting your thoughts, hopes, and dreams for TNC in the coming months. Many of you have reserved a place at a Listening Session—we still need many more voices to join in, and you are promising me that you will.  Please do so.

God spoke through the prophet Isaiah, recorded for us in the 43rd chapter: “Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth. Do you not perceive it?” That’s what we’re up to these days: listening, pursuing, striving to see what God wants has in store for TNC. Will you join us?

Pastor Rick
Intentional Interim Minister