Looking Towards Autumn at the Neighborhood Church

Dear Family and Friends of The Neighborhood Church,

This week, as I prepare for this coming Sunday (the week AFTER the historical storm), our Gospel lesson captures a scene in which Jesus does some inquiry and research among those closest to him.  He asks some key questions about the “buzz” out there regarding perceptions of him and his message. Jesus then takes the question to a more personal level, asking his disciples: “Who do YOU say that I am?” It seems that even Jesus is interested in the current state of affairs for the movement he is leading, and the Good News he bears and embodies for the world.
One of the convictions of an intentional interim process is that there need be a time of reflection, evaluation, and interpretation of our past, our present realities, and some energy spent on imagining and tuning into God’s preferred future. We will do this together in a series of Listening Sessions—opportunities offered at a variety of times and days from which you can choose one to attend and participate in. In these sessions, I will guide you into some storytelling, sharing, and discerning about our life and ministry here at TNC. You will hear other’s perceptions and stories and come to a deeper appreciation for the many and various ways people have come to this place. All will have an opportunity to share our personal take on our life together, where we’ve been, are, and where we should be heading. This is a time for all to be heard AND listened to—to share loves, disappointments, concerns, hopes, and dreams for our ministry here.
Here are the 6 Listening Sessions as currently scheduled—the same format will be used for each, and our new Transition Team that is soon to be appointed by the Council will help me facilitate, as well as listen and analyze what is shared. We can make space for you at any session but invite you to attend ONLY ONCE.  We’d ask you to reserve your space by emailing Lauren or calling the Church Office at (310) 378-9353. If calling outside of office hours, please leave a message. If something comes up, and you need to switch sessions, please feel free to do so.

  • Sunday, September 10, 11:15am-1pm…in the Fellowship Hall, with light lunch provided, and childcare

  • Wednesday, September 13, 9:30am-11am…room TBD*, with donuts

  • Thursday, September 21, 6:30pm-8pm…room TBD*, with desserts and childcare

  • Saturday, September 30, 10am-11:30am…room TBD*, with donuts and childcare

  • Sunday, October 1, 3pm-4:30pm…room TBD*, with light snacks and childcare

  • Wednesday, October 4, 10am-11:30am…room TBD*, with donuts

*For all room TBD meetings, please plan to gather in the Fellowship Hall. We will then move to the meeting room that best suits our group size.

Please come to one of these—it is your opportunity to offer your perspective and to hear others. In addition to listening to each others, it will be important for us to be listening to God.

So, this Fall, we have planned a couple of Sunday morning Bible Studies for adults that I will teach. We will gather from about 11:15am-Noon in the Fellowship Hall, and there will be usual coffee hour refreshments and goodies on the patio AS WELL AS on the tables in the Fellowship Hall. Childcare and programming will be offered throughout. The first 3 sessions of study will begin late in September and will be “Bible Basics 101”—we will look at just what the Bible is, how it came together, its components, translations vs. paraphrases, groupings of books, flow, and a host of other basics for those who are looking at Scripture. The second offering will begin in late October, 5 sessions long, and be an overview of the “Gospel of Mark: The Secret Gospel”, since beginning in Advent, our Gospel texts in Sunday worship will begin to come from Mark’s gospel. Stay tuned for more specific dates and information coming soon.

Plans are underway, as you can see! Please participate in the life of TNC as you can—every time you choose to be involved or engaged, you and this community of faith are blessed. Thanks for your partnership in this time of transition, and enjoy!

Pastor Rick
Intentional Interim Minister