Thank You | A Final Message from Rev. Dr. David D. Young

“If we could see our daily tasks as part of the ministry, 
if we could know that what we do is valuable only 
as it helps in some way to arouse the sense of God’s 
presence, then all of life would be infinitely raised.” 
Elton Trueblood, The Essence of Spiritual Religion

I want to thank all of you who have helped raise our common life as a part of Christ’s resurrection promise as we have lived in our time and place.  Your willingness to share the Christ light and spirit with me and so many others swells my heart with great gratitude!  Thank you and thanks be to God!

How blessed Michelle and I feel by the many notes, emails, kind words and gifts expressing affirmation of the nearly 10 years we have shared together.  Your well wishes for the next chapter of our lives is appreciated.  These have been wonderful years (not without pain and struggle along the way), but through it all - shared joy in the Gospel and our common faith have been aprevailing theme. 

You are an incredibly special part of our lives and you will always be in thememory of these rich and fruitful years.  What a gift you have been to us…and you will continue to be for many years to come.  How grateful I am for your support, but I am strengthened in knowing that your support for this shared ministry and to the Christ who empowers us is the fitting frame through which all of our commitments and service find their focus.

Soon the Youngs will move on to a strange, unknown place and that is scary and exciting.  The Neighborhood Church was once that to us, as well.  You now move toward a future whose shape and vision is unclear and that too, may be scary and exciting.  But through it all, God will be with you as God has been in the past.  That is the hope and promise of resurrection reality both now and in the life to come!  We pray that God’s Blessings and Love accompany you on the journey…and into all your futures! 

            With Grace, Love and Gratitude,


Rev. Dr. David D. Young
Senior Minister