Endings and Beginnings

Being the church together is such a gift and it has been a true joy to share in that gift here with all of you.  This coming Sunday signals an ending and abeginning.  The ending of my formal time among you and the beginning of anew chapter in the life of The Neighborhood Church and a new chapter for Michelle and me.  The new and unknown can be both uncertain and exciting.

Will the future be the same as the past?  Yes and no!  Just as each day carries with it routines and much that is familiar, so too, will this coming season.  But we also know that each day carries with it the potential for the new - and with the striving for growth there are always occasions for new insights, new experiences, and new relationships.  My hope for the coming year is that your community life will be expressive and embracing of those new dimensions as well.

Called to be God’s people, worship will be at the center of your common life together.  When the new interim minister arrives in June, may it be a time to affirm the gifts and future you will share in as partners in ministry.  Worship will be a time for celebrating your common calling and embracing the future together.  And that is exciting!

As you begin again with new pastoral leadership and as we begin a new phase of life elsewhere may we all be energized by that common spirit and light that we know as God in Jesus Christ.  

I look forward to this coming weekend to be together one last time – to share in worship, to share our care, mutual concern and love, and to share our gratitude for what has been and excitement for what will be.

                See you in Church!


Rev. Dr. David D. Young
Senior Minister