How a Tradition from the 50s is Relevant in 2018
The Shepherd Scene from the Christmas Pageant, where our actors get a little help from some furry friends!
Plans for the 65th Annual Neighborhood Christmas pageant began in January 2018 as the group of organizers convened to discuss what worked well for the 2017 pageant and how it could be improved in 2018. We were excited about how well the pageant was received by the community with wonderful crowds of young and old walking the grounds and taking in with awe the inspiring story of the birth of Jesus Christ. Yet, we knew there were areas that could be improved and discussion focused on how to make the 2018 Pageant outstanding for the 65th time!
The plans that are laid out for this year’s pageant are focused on looking at the pageant as one of our church’s ministries of telling our Christian Story in a heartfelt way that gives all who attend the hope that God is with us on our journey today just as God was with Jesus and his parents on their journey. We hope that each scene that is depicted will be relevant to today and will share that hope and love.
The Annunciation scene recognizes the fear of the unwed mother and her trust in God that she is in God’s care.
The Departure scene portrays the obedience to the laws of the land as Mary and Joseph prepare to depart.
The Shepherd scene (which always seems to be the children’s favorite) will once again have the 4-H club tending their animals as the shepherds gather around the fire in awe of night.
The Inn is a wonderful visual of how we need to welcome strangers and provide comfort and safety for those in need.
The Magi scene on the bridge over the pond shows us how educated people study and learn and had hopes for a just and loving leader.
King Herod’s Court depicts a party focused on Herod. It looks like great fun if you are Herod but what about the people he is ruling and the decrees he makes when having all male babies killed.
And finally we are taken to the Manger scene as we approach in awe and hope in EVERY child’s birth and life.
We at Neighborhood Church are opening our doors to all who wish to join us on this journey to learn and grow in God’s love. A recent Affirmation of Faith from “World Call” states it so clearly:
We believe in the church of Jesus Christ:
The church of the warm heart, of the open mind, of the adventurous spirit.
We believe in the church that cares, that heals hurt lives,
That comforts old people,
That challenges youth;
That knows no divisions of culture of class or race,
No frontiers, geographical or social;
The church that looks forward as well as backward.
We believe in the church of the people,
High as the ideals of Jesus, Low as the humblest human;
A working church, a worshipping church;
A church that interprets the truth in terms of truth;
That inspires courage for this life and hope for the life to come,
A church of courage, A church of good people and sinners,
The church of the living God.
Whether you join us as a cast member, an usher, a singer, a director, a stage hand, costumer, makeup artist, a photographer, a publicity guru, or kitchen crew your presence and support will make this year’s pageant a success for the 65th time! Thank you to the over 125 people who were part of making last year’s pageant so meaningful and thank you in advance to all who answer the call and say YES to joining this year for another opportunity to share our Christian Story with the community.