Women's fellowship
All Women of the Neighborhood Church are members of Women's Fellowship. Women's Fellowship works tirelessly year round to support the life and events of our Church while offering their own time honored favorites, such as the Yule Parlor Tea by the Sea.
Members of Women's Fellowship with Nick Rasmussen of Family Promise of the South Bay and the commuter van that they purchased for Family Promise in 2017. The van replaced a older van in need of repair and allows students and parents to get to school and work safely and on time.
Women's Fellowship works throughout the year supporting local charities and church projects, planning church events, serving others, strengthening faith, socializing, learning, sharing experiences, and building lasting friendships.
Throughout the year, the women sponsor church events and helpful support to church projects. The Fellowship assists with memorial receptions for members and friends, prepares and serves dinner to the Christmas Pageant cast, hosts church potluck dinners; maintains and supplies the kitchens for memorials and special events. They also provides supplies for Sunday hospitality and the church office and support Church Women United of the South Bay.
Over the years, the Fellowship has raised funds for local charities. Yule Parlor Parade, a traditional fundraising event sponsored by Women’s Fellowship from 1956 to 2017 raised well over a million dollars for charities. Women’s Fellowship continues to support church fundraising events and has helped provide funds to maintain our beautiful church facility.
Women’s Fellowship sponsors events and programs like a Craft and Bake Sale in November, Christmas Caroling Potluck in December, an annual Field Trip to a place of interest, Potluck following the annual Organ Concert, and Coffee, Tea and the Write Stuff, a coffee house style writer’s program. Women’s Fellowship also supports the Moms and More group for mothers and their children.
The Fellowship Board consists of president, vice-president, treasurer, recording secretary, corresponding secretary, committee chairs and Circle representatives. The board meets monthly, September - June.
Members of Women's Fellowship at their February 2018 Meeting and Luncheon which included a special presentation on the benefits of and uses for Essential Oils. Attendees made their own safe, nontoxic foaming handsoap with lemon essential oil.
All women at the church are invited to attend monthly Circle meetings. Brewster meets the second Wednesday evenings and Vineyard on third Sunday evenings. Circles deepen faith and friendship within the church, socialize, offer service to the church and community, and plan church activities. Moms and More is a group for mothers and their children that meets early on first Thursday evenings. Dinner and childcare are provided. Crafty Ladies meet each Monday morning at 10:30AM in Dennis Smith Hall to socialize while making a variety of crafts for an annual fundraising sale. All groups welcome newcomers.
General Meetings are held seasonally in Fellowship Hall, and sometimes provide cultural and entertaining programs, a meal or refreshment.
Members of Women's Fellowship pose for a photo at the Petersen Automobile Museum. The Peterson was the destination for the 2017 May Play Day in which over 50 men and women took a bus to downtown Los Angeles to learn about automotive history and enjoy lunch at Canter's Deli.
In the spring, WF enjoys a Play Day field trip to a Los Angeles area museum or event. The men of Neighborhood Church are often invited, and this day-long event generally includes bus transportation and lunch. Reservations and a fee are required. In the past, we have visited The Broad, The Petersen Automotive Museum, and Clifton's Cafeteria. Keep an eye out on our Upcoming Events page for more information and dates.
Our ongoing Craft Group meets for "crafting" every Monday (except holidays) year around, at 10:30AM, in the Nursery Room of Dennis Smith Hall. New members are always welcome!
The Flower Guild
The Flower Guild is a team of hardworking women who work year round to provide beautiful altar arrangements for Sunday Services and decorate the Church at Easter and Christmas. 2020 marks over 40 years of bringing God's beautiful flowers to the Neighborhood Church.
The Flower Guild meets monthly on the second Tuesday of the month from September through May at 11:00AM in the Parlor. Any time or commitment availability can be accommodated, and new members are always welcome. No prior arranging experience is needed-- just a love of flowers and a willingness to learn.