Dawn Unity Group’s next panel will be the yearly scripture discussion with “Noah and the Flood” as the topic 7:30 pm January 10, 2023 at Congregation Ner Tamid 5721 Crestridge Rd. The panel will be Rev. April Herron, Rolling Hills United Methodist Church; Prof. Amir Hussain, Loyola Marymount University; Rabbi Mark Hyman, Congregation Ner Tamid; and Fr. Alexei Smith, Archdiocese of Los Angeles; Bob Rothman will be the moderator.
Why are two different stories interwoven? Why was the rainbow given as a promise to never do it again without condition? The story of a great flood is an important part of many cultures…how do the various legends compare?
Can’t make it? The panel will also be livestreamed at Facebook.com/dawnunitygroup/live. For any questions call (310) 833-7008.