We are excited to share that we will offer two special opportunities to join us for in-person Worship on Christmas Eve this year! You are invited to join us for our Family Service at 4PM, or the Candlelight Service at 8PM. Please note that masks are required indoors for everyone over the age of 2.
December 24, 2021
Family Service
Candlelit Service
These services will be different than they have been in the past as we take COVID-19 related safety precautions into account, but we are excited to be able to safely Worship together again this year.
If you’re not comfortable joining us in person, we invited you to join by taking part in our special virtual Christmas Eve service. It will be available on our YouTube Channel the week of Christmas Eve.
2021 Christmas Offering Recipient: Journey House
The Christian Action Ministry has chosen Journey House to be the recipient of our Christmas Offering. Journey House provides emotional support and financial aid to help foster care children aging out of the public systems. They provide food, shelter, clothing, transportation, medical care, educational and employment assistance to those young adults. To find out more, please see their website: https://www.journeyhouseyouth.org
Your Christmas offering can be made using the enclosed self-addressed return envelope you will be receiving in the mail or by donating using a Christmas offering envelop available in the pews. If contributing by check, please make it payable to Neighborhood Church with “Christmas Offering” on the memo line.