So, What does an Interim Minister Really Do?

Dear Family and Friends of The Neighborhood Church,

I am already into my 3rd month among you!  Have I told you just how much I enjoy it here, and you?  Well, I do. I love being your Senior Pastor, the lovely staff team you’ve assembled, the leadership core here, our enthusiastic and beautiful worship life, and the ministries and activity of this place. Remember that a part of our life together these days is to have life as a congregation move along, perhaps even creating a sense of a “new normal”—it feels as if God’s Spirit is moving within and about in our life together!

We have also covenanted to walk together through this time of transition, to enjoy and fully engage in these 18 months or so that we DO have together, and to work through an intentional process that will help prepare things for the calling of your next settled Senior Pastor. If we do this work well, I anticipate God’s marvelous future will begin to unfold, and we will have had a wonderful time getting there!

I thought it might be interesting to lay out the path ahead in some broad strokes so that you know what to look forward to—your participation, positive and honest approach, and serious reflection will be key to making this time of transition useful and productive. First, by the end of summer, a “Transition Team” will have been created to work closely with me in listening, praying, discerning, analyzing input, interpreting, planning, and sharing discoveries, ideas, and suggestions for TNC. This crackerjack team will meet often, and work closely and intently with me, behind the scenes for the most part, for about 7 months, helping to get things ready for the Search Committee’s reading of resumes and interviews that will lead to the calling of your next Senior Pastor.

While I have been engaging in personal conversations, and learning some things from and about you already, I have also been busy joining in the life of this place. I have quickly felt a part of the community—your welcome and strong participation in the life at TNC are affirming, exciting, good momentum, and a blessing to me! 

In September and early October, there will be several Listening Sessions offered—these will be small group conversations, hosted by the Transition Team and myself. There will be a variety of times to choose from, and I hope you’ll choose to be a part of one. At these sessions, we will do some reflecting on our past, our present, and sharing some hopes and ideas for God’s preferred future for TNC.

By year end of 2023, there will be a confidential online survey (and hard copies for those who “don’t do online”), helping you to honestly and individually reflect on your experience and thoughts about TNC, and to have input into the search for your next Senior Pastor. In the early part of 2024, the results and analysis of those surveys will be utilized and shared. By February or March, the ministerial position will be posted, resumes will start to be received, and choice candidates closely considered.  If all goes well, in the Fall of 2024, you will have experienced the work of the Holy Spirit among us, issued a call, and plans will be underway for the beginning of the next chapter at The Neighborhood Church perhaps by December 2024 days of Advent.  That is when my time among you is scheduled to come to an end.

Thanks, in advance, for being part of this place. Please sign up and show up with gratitude, excitement, and hope for the various discoveries and sharing opportunities that lay ahead, as well as for our dynamic ongoing ministries and worship life.  God is, indeed, good—all the time.

Pastor Rick

Intentional Interim Minister