A Welcome Message from Pastor Rick

Dear Family of Faith at The Neighborhood Church,

I am excited to finally be among you as your Intentional Interim Pastor. I grew up in San Diego, and even surfed the waters below us during some of my more “exciting” days. In my younger years, I enjoyed a rather charmed existence in both music and sports. It feels fantastic to smell and feel the ocean air daily again, and it is a privilege for me to experience a sort of “coming home” at this point in my life, and to share it with my family. Both of my parents, and all 3 of my younger brothers are out in the Palm Springs area—they come as a welcome bonus.

The Neighborhood Church is a special place! And I have a clear sense that God is not done with you yet! I’ve been serving churches for some 40 years now, the last 4 years or so doing Intentional Interim work, and I continue to learn new things along the way. My doctoral research and thesis was entitled: “The Flourishing Life”—a close look at what makes for healthy and happy pastors and leaders in the church and other non-profits. “Happy are the people whose God is the LORD!” says the Psalmist, and I believe it is what God intends for his people.  I still am amazed, surprised, and thankful for the energizing gifts that the Holy Spirit delivers me, and the great joy I experience now in working alongside congregations in transition. I find that I have much energy and passion for the ministry we share and the new things we learn and enjoy along the way.

This interim time will provide space and excuse for members, new participants in our community of faith, and our wonderful staff for reflection, gratitude, dreaming, and practicing change. I can promise you that we will have a good time together—useful, productive, and encouraging time as well.

Three people in front of a mountain vista.

My wife, Kristen, is a Minnesota girl, and a rostered UCC Pastor just finishing up an Intentional Interim in St. Paul. She is one of the best pastors I know.  We are a blended family, and together we have 6 children and 7 grandchildren scattered about the Midwest and West. She will begin serving in her next call as Senior Pastor at First Congregational Church in downtown Riverside on August 1st. It is a 12-month Designated Term Call, so they may both decide as to any ongoing relationship/call a year from now. Our youngest daughter, and only remaining bird in the nest, is Lucy. She just graduated from High School in Minnesota and will be attending UC Santa Cruz to study Marine Biology, and to swim NCAA Division 3, for the Banana Slugs.  I am anxious for you to meet them both this summer, especially once we complete the move by the end of July. Kristen and I are “foodies” of sorts, love live entertainment, sports of all kinds, enjoy golfing, and I still get out my guitar now and again.

I regard it a high calling and privilege to serve among you in this place and time, and I continuously thank God for the ministry we share, experience, and imagine together. I can’t wait to get to know you, become familiar with this place and the many ways you have blessed others as God’s people serving through the years. And I especially look forward to whatever marvelous things God has in store for your future—all that you are, will become, and all those folks not here yet.

To God be the Glory! (“Soli Deo Gloria”)

Pastor Rick