On the Nature of Prayer
“We move into the deepest kind of interior prayer in order that we may be found by God, recognized by the Lord of our lives, and loved into being”
I am writing this more for myself than for any of you who may be reading this - because I need to be reminded once again of the importance of prayer in the dailiness of life. I get caught up in routines and my prayer life and relationship with God can become something I take for granted…and so I give less attention to them and receive less from them.
Just recently, in a conversation, someone was asking about the role of prayer, wondering just how involved God gets in responding to our requests. In this case, it had to do with praying for a loved ones’ health and healing. While there are no easy answers, praying for tangible, physical things can be appropriate - but they are most helpful if they lead to deeper spiritual gifts and healings.
If there are times, when you are uncertain of what to pray for or like me find yourself sometimes taking things for granted, begin by giving thanks to God for the tangible things in your life…including whatever good health you do have (physical/mental), loved ones, friends, food, and home. Over time you may notice that it will become easier for you to see and to give thanks for the spiritual gifts which are within and around you.
The Jesuit theologian, John Wright offers this insight into the nature of prayer.
“Prayer is neither informing or persuading God,
much less is it a kind of magical spell compelling
the divinity to satisfy my needs. Prayer always
expresses symbolically a personal relationship
through trust, confidence, praise, appreciation,
or repentance.”
Gradually, if we are persistent, we will discover that the desires we wanted to lift up to God will be changed. “Give me, give me,” can become “Make me, make me.” Prayer makes a difference and can even change us.
To combine prayers of Richard of Chichester and St. Francis,
“Lord, make me an instrument of your peace…
May we know thee more clearly,
love thee more dearly,
and followed the more nearly, day by day.”
In such faith,
Rev. Dr. David D. Young
Senior Minister
This piece originally appeared in The Wave on January 25, 2023.