Following Christ
“Lent is not a time for ‘giving up something’, but for ‘taking on’ the intention and the discipline of true participation in the mystery of God-with-us. Worship is at the very heart of that discipline.”
Worship, reflection, study, devotion and discipleship are at the heart of Lent! This season of 40 days leading up to Jesus’ death and resurrection are very important for us in the Christian faith. We track with Jesus through the ups and downs of his earthly ministry and teaching which culminate in the passion of Holy Week. Lent is an intentional period of time to get in touch with the One who touches and calls us to ever increasing faithfulness in our walk with him.
When Jesus called the disciples, they didn’t have everything all figured out and they certainly didn’t understand everything. They were trying to figure out who Jesus was and what it meant to truly follow him. More often than not, the disciples were struggling to discover the light and direction for their living. We too, struggle in our lives to know a right relationship with Christ, others and self…and what that calls forth for our living. Life and our very lives are a mixture of knowing and not knowing, searching and discovering, light and darkness.
The late statesman and past Secretary General of the United Nations, Dag Hammarskjöld, wrote in his spiritual diary, Markings:
“Below even the sunniest and most secure human
relationship, the abyss lies waiting - because our lack
of faith is fascinated by the possibilities of the night
side of life.”
Knowing there is so much we do not know in the life of faith, our Lenten Sermon Series calls us forth in “Following Christ”. Dietrich Bonhoeffer said, “Following Christ – what that is…is what I want to know…and it is a life long journey.” We will explore the struggles, teachings and ministry of Jesus. We will sense the struggles and doubts of the disciples - as well as our own…as we discover anew the light and hope of our faith.
Our study this season of Lent will pursue Living Theology: another look at sin, forgiveness, grace, and gratitude. We will do this with a class to be held on four successive Saturday mornings from 9 - 10 AM in the parlor beginning this Saturday, February 25th.
May you be blessed in your following and discipleship on the Lenten journey!
See you in Worship,
Following Christ
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Rev. Dr. David D. Young
Senior Minister