Carrying the Light of Easter

Everything is blossoming most recklessly; If it were voices instead of colors, there would be an unbelievable shrieking into the heart of the night.-2.png

Easter is always associated with spring and therefore, is celebrated on the first Sunday following the full moon that occurs on or just after the spring equinox. This year it was celebrated April 4th. As people of faith, we can affirm that Easter is not just a day – it is a promise, presence and power. That’s what touches us no matter what day or season it is – the inexpressible sounding which shrieks of dawning at the point of our deepest darkness.

God knows…the past year has been a time of struggle and suffering for the entire global community as life’s primal face carries the signs of loss and diminishment. We all can share the pathos of the human journey. But darkness is not the final word. We are a people of the light! Jesus is the true light which came into the world and he said,

“I am the resurrection and the life…those who
believe in me will live, even though they die.”
John 11:25

The promise, presence and power of the resurrection will carry us to life beyond this life…and there is tremendous promise for life right now, right here. In the sense that we say a young person has real promise when they use the gifts they have been given – so too, does resurrection hold real promise for us in the living of our lives as we allow the presence and power of Christ to live in us.

I hope you will join us this weekend for virtual worship as Michael Moorhead shares the message: “Turn on the Power” And then join us the following Sunday, April 18th for either online worship or in-person worship outdoors on the terrace when we begin a Spring Sermon Series continuing the Eastertide Season of Resurrection entitled, “Light Living”.

May you know and grow…into the promise, presence and power of resurrection…both in the now and forever!

Eastertide Blessings,

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Rev. Dr. David D. Young
Senior Minister