The Neighborhood Church

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Outdoor Worship Coming Soon!

To our Neighborhood Church Members, friends and community,


Almost a year to the day from when we suspended Sunday Services, we are incredibly excited to share that we will soon begin offering outdoor, in-person services! With LA County’s recent transition to the Red Tier, the Board of Trustees together with the Church Council have unanimously agreed to begin offering outdoor Sunday Services this Spring.  

We will begin with a single, outdoor worship service on Sundays at 10AM beginning Sunday, April 18, 2021. Reservations, masks and social distancing will be required, and reservations will be available on our website. More details, including the full protocol developed by the COVID-19 Task Force, will be shared in the coming weeks. The Task Force, Staff and Worship Ministry are already hard at work putting plans in place to welcome you back safely.

While we know that many in our Church family are eager to get back to in-person services, we also recognize that perhaps just as many are not yet comfortable gathering in groups for a number of reasons. We are committed to continuing to provide a connection to our Church for all of our members, not just those who have been vaccinated or are comfortable joining us in person. To that end, our prerecorded online Worship services will continue, just as they have been. The sermon and readings for the online and in-person services will be the same each Sunday. We expect this hybrid model to continue at least throughout the Summer.

We are sure you have many questions and as always, welcome your feedback as we navigate this time together. We do ask that you hold off on logistical questions until we have had a chance to share the protocol and additional information with you.

From the day we closed our building, our primary concern has been offering spiritual resources and a connection to God, your faith and to each other as safely as possible. That is as true now as it ever has been. We are excited to add the option for outdoor Worship to our current offerings and look forward to serving you, whether in person or virtually, as we begin a new phase of the COVID-19 pandemic.


In Faith,


Cathy Hendrickson, Chair, Board of Trustees
Linda Cavette, Moderator, Church Council