How We Move Forward (January 13, 2021)

This article was written an hour before the horrific events last week at the Capitol in Washington D.C.  It did not seem appropriate in the moment to send it in the Wave, but I’d  like to share it this week.  Such an event as we experienced on January 6th adds greatly to the sadness, anger and many other feelings from the past year or so.  As we move forward, so many things need to happen and integrating it all with our faith is so important.  May God’s  peace and healing come…with justice for all.

The turning of this year seems different and momentous in many ways.  The Bible tells us that the darkness will not last forever – morning will come and with it…joy!  2020 has been a difficult and sad year and one day’s turning of the calendar does not change that or end the struggle.  But as people of faith we can have hope – acknowledging what has been, embracing the present and living into the future.  A dear mentor and friend, Rev. Dr. Richard L. Stanger, penned these lines a number of years ago and I share them as we move into what eventually promises to be a better year than the one gone by.  He framed his thoughts with this verse of scripture:

The sorrow which God uses means a change 
 in heart…and leads to salvation without regret…

II Corinthians 7:10

Welcome to our seasonal explosion of gains and losses, as year-end ledgers are tallied and we find that incessant slippage in things is bottom-line present.png
Welcome to our seasonal explosion of gains and losses, as year-end ledgers are tallied and we find that incessant slippage in things is bottom-line present-2.png