A Reflection on The Past (February 3, 2021)


Throughout this winter season we have been looking at three of the prophets from our Hebrew tradition for insight not only into their time, place, contest and meaning – but also for insight and encouragement in the living of our days.  The writer of Hebrews recognizes the value of listening to Christ as the early followers of Jesus were trying to find their way in the world.  In chapter 12:1-2, he encouraged the young church, “Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight and the sin that clings so closely, and let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus the pioneer and perfecter of our faith…”  Here in the 21st century we know that it is not an either/or.  It is not either we listen to the Old Testament prophets or to Jesus.  As a Jew, Jesus was closely aligned with the prophets.  For us it is a “both/and.”  Our primary focus is following Jesus.  Part of that following means integrating the teachings of our tradition as it dips back nearly 3000 years.

What does this mean in the living of our daily lives here in 2021?  When we are in emotional, mental or physical pain (or even when we are healthy), are we courageous in pursuing God’s goals, will and purposes for our lives?  Are we willing to “persevere” when we would rather be left alone, not get involved, or simply seek our own comfort?  The writer of Hebrews calls us to keep on keeping on in the journey of faith.

Let’s face it, the future is never certain – not for us as individuals and not for us as a church.   But our faith calls us to press on for Christ’s sake because we are now part of his body to and for the world.  We have a cheering section, “a great cloud of witnesses” encouraging us on.  We have each other, our families, friends and yes, even those who have gone before us and are now part of God’s eternal purposes – all beckoning us forward to a faithful future founded in God!  The prophets also call us forward, not back.

 With more opportunities to reflect these days, I hope each one of us will take time to renew our courage and perseverance for whatever pains, struggles and successes lie ahead in the living of our daily lives.  In the words of Dr. M. Scott Peck in his book, The Road Less Traveled:

  “Courage is not the absence of fear, it is the making of action
in spite of fear, the moving out against the resistance
engendered by fear (pain) into the unknown and into
the future.  On some level, spiritual growth, and therefore
love, always requires courage and involves risk.”

Even though the prophets had harsh words for the people of Israel – at the heart of their message was the underlying deep love of God for his children.  At the heart of Jesus and his message is deep, deep love as well.  Let’s look to the prophets and “to Jesus the pioneer and perfecter of our faith.”  We may not always be successful, but we will be upheld by the guiding spirit, light and love God gives us - and that will be sufficient…even to the end of the age.

In Faithfulness,

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Rev. Dr. David D. Young
Senior Minister