Rhythms and Rollercoasters


The 17th century poet, George Herbert, captures the seasonal reminders that change and even death are ever present in this “sweet” and beautiful world of ours.  The rhythms of nature are like that, reminding us of the ever-rolling cycles of life and death.  In this “season” of pandemic, we are especially aware of the possibility of death.  And at the same time, I am pleased to report that as far as we know – no member of our congregation has had COVID-19.  It has touched some of our families through in-laws and other relatives – reminding us that the threat is always close at hand, but so far, our Neighborhood Church family has been spared.

Watching the news can sometimes seem like a rollercoaster – at time we feel encouraged and at others, very discouraged.  Sometimes we wonder if this will ever end and at others, we glimpse a light at the end of the tunnel.  Sometimes like those who marched around the walls of Jericho we feel like it’s just plodding along putting one foot in front of another day after day and at others, we know the walls will come tumbling down.  Sometimes our spirits are up and at others, they are down.  We hold onto our gratitude – even when so many things remind us that our lives are not permanent.

Yet, our faith and the poet remind us in a more profound way, that a good and “virtuous soul, like seasoned timber…chiefly lives.”  The Apostle Paul tells us that God in Christ is always offering renewal in the case of difficulty - and rebirth in the face of death.  That love is stronger than evil and life stronger than death.

With all we are going through during what seems like an interminably long “season” – let’s chiefly live…with joy, gratitude, zest and love!

In the strength God gives,

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Rev. Dr. David D. Young
Senior Minister