Let's Go Fishing | Weekly Devotional | April 15
“ Simon Peter said to them, “I am going fishing.” Some of the other disciples said to him, “We will go with you. They went out and got into the boat, but that night they caught nothing.”
This account occurred in the days immediately following Jesus’ death and resurrection. They may have still been in shock and grief over the loss of their teacher and master. Surely there were parts of themselves that felt helpless and aimless in the wake of such tragedy. We know how the story ended…they did not.
I can’t speak for you, but there have been times in recent days when I have felt helpless in the face of this current pandemic. There have been times when I have felt bored and yes, a bit aimless. These are part of the human condition when events and things happen to us that are out of our control.
The disciples didn’t exactly know what to do following Jesus’ death, so they went back to what they knew how to do – fishing. Sometimes that’s all we can do when feeling helpless and with lack of purpose – we keep putting one foot in front of another as we try to make it through another day. I would add that being overinformed about problems we can do little about exacerbates feelings of helplessness and hopelessness - and that over time such feelings may weaken our immune system. It’s hard to measure these things, but I believe our attitudes, perspectives and feelings play an important role in our overall health and well-being.
The beauty of Easter is the gift of resurrection and new life. In the midst of all that sets us back in life – all the challenges, all the discouragements, all that hurts us and even death itself – nothing can separate us from the presence and goodness and love of God in Jesus Christ (Romans 8:39). Friends, that is Good News! And that is the deep joy of Easter even in the midst of current sadness. The disciples eventually came to know that truth and left their fishing enterprises a second time to serve tirelessly in the ongoing ministry of Christ as the early church began to get established.
We too, will have our momentary periods of sadness, helplessness, hopelessness and aimlessness – but when we allow resurrection light in, the darkness and shadows fade – and new life and purpose are possible.
A poem and prayer by Jo Winkowitch:
Lord, today I feel like…
a used firecracker,
a balloon with a hole it,
a dried-up pen,
a worn-out shoe,
a crumpled up, yesterday’s newspaper.
Sometimes, I feel worthless,
Lord, and it seems I can’t do
anything right.
Please close my mouth
when I need to listen.
Refill this empty shell with
Your Presence, Lord.
Remind me that I’m special
because you love me.
Recycle me into something
that will be used for your purposes
as You pick me up with
Your Resurrection Power
along the highway of Your
promised New Life.
During this strange time when we cannot be together physically, may you know the Presence and Joy of God’s resurrection power in Jesus Christ – and in your own life – as we live into an uncertain future…yet strangely knowing by faith…how the story ends.
Together in the Spirit of Christ,
Rev. Dr. David D. Young
Senior Minister